
C&D Website Cluster

C&D Website Cluster

【Supply Chain Operation】

C&D Inc.
Iron & Steel Group
Paper & Pulp Group
Automobile Group
Xiamen C&D Light Industry Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Kindland Co., Ltd.
Xiamen C&D Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Candour Co., Ltd.
C&D Logistics Group Co., Ltd.
Xiamen C&D Shipbuilding and Trading Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Goldenstar Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

【Urban Construction and Operation】

C&D Real Estate Group
Lianfa Group
C&D Urban Service

【Tourism and Exhibition】

Tourism Group
C&D Hotel
Xiamen C& E Group Inc.

【Medical and Health】

C&D Innostic Medical
Xiamen Humanity Hospital
Xiamen Humanity Rehabilitation Hospital
Xiamen Humanity Nursing Home

【Emerging Industry Investment】

C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment

【Enterprises with Investment and Equity Participation】

King Dragon Life Insurance
Xiamen Airlines
Xiamen Farah Electronics
Xiamen International Bank
Xiamen International Trust
Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank

C&D Website Cluster
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Hu Changsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and secretary of the CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee, and his delegation visits C&D Group for investigation


On the afternoon of March 17, Hu Changsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and secretary of the CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee, Huang Wenhui, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee and secretary-general of the CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee, Huang Heming, secretary of the party leadership group and director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Wang Longchu, director of the Municipal State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission, along with their delegation paid an investigation visit to C&D Group.

Huang Wenzhou, party committee secretary and chairman of C&D Group, made a report to Secretary Hu Changsheng and his delegation on the company’s situation in 2019, including its business development, COVID-19 prevention and control, resumption of work and production, and development ideas of its next step.

Secretary Hu fully affirmed the promising fruits and favorable performance achieved by C&D Group in the past year, and appreciated its positive actions in response to the epidemic and the rapid and strong resumption of work and production. Hu also encouraged that C&D Group can proactively integrate its development into Xiamen’s urban development strategy with higher goals, actively cope with the impact of the complex environment on enterprise development after the epidemic, and stick to its goals. Also, the group should scientifically analyze the situation with a forward-looking vision, grasp the trends and guide demands based on its advantages, enhance confidence of the market, and integrate resource forces to dig deeper into its potential. Meanwhile, the group should highlight the organizing of a contingent of talents, pool outstanding talents from various industries, and improve the overall innovation ability of the enterprise, while fully exercising the marathon spirit of keep forging ahead and surpassing without giving up, thereby making greater contributions to the urban development of Xiamen.

C&D Group will keep a close eye on the trends in 2020, proceed to focus on its main business while considering risks, seize opportunities to gain steady development, and strive to yield new heights to drive the company’s high-quality development.
